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Michael Powers Psychotherapist

What is a Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)


Michael has the credential of LCSW. This means that the CT Department of Public Health has verified that Michael has the required educational background, has acquired the required hours of supervision and practice and that he has passed an examination conducted by the appropriate international certification board. Social work is a profession committed to the pursuit of social justice, to quality of life, and to the development of the full potential of each individual, group and community in a society. Social workers draw on the social sciences and on clinical expertise to solve social problems. They may work in research, practice, or both.


What is Co-Occurring Certification (CCDP-D)


Michael also holds the credential of Co-Occurring Disorders Diplomate (CCDP - D). This is an International Certification for Co-Occurring Disorders practitioners. This certification is offered to co-occurring disorders practitioners who meet standards in training, supervised practical training, and in supervised work experience. The CCDP credential is for those professionals with expertise in providing integrated care for those in recovery from substance use and mental health disorders. Education


Michael graduated with departmental honors from Trinity College in Hartford Connecticut. He received a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Psychology and minoring in Women's Studies. 


Michael completed his graduate work at Smith College School for Social Work in Northampton Massachusetts. 

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